Homeless Veterans and Employment
1. Each District and Post Commander should appoint a Homeless Veteran and Employment Chairman. These appointments with contact information should than be sent to Department Director(s).
2. Homeless Veteran defined:
a. An individual who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence; and
b. A Veteran who has a primary nighttime residence that is:
i. A supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations (including welfare hotels, congregate shelters and transitional housing for the homeless)
ii. An institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized for human beings.
iii. A public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodations for human beings.
3. Contact the local Michigan Works Agencies and speak with the Local Veteran's Employment Representative (LVER)or with the Disable Veteran's Outreach Worker (DVOW). Homeless Veteran Community Employment Services (HVCES).
a. Invite the Organization's Inquire how the process of Veterans, are being placed; and the availability of job training.
b. Encourage the Post's to host an Employment Job Fair. You may also contact the web sites (Vet-Jobs, at (877-838-5627), www.vetjobs.com, www.va.gov/homeless.
4. Each Chairperson should compile a list of local agencies to assist veterans either in Employment, Homelessness, or Food Banks. Post this list on the Bulletin board and inform the leadership of its presence.
5. Learn about your agencies and Co-Host a town hall meeting or a stand-down. By hosting a Job Fair relating directly for the homeless Veterans. By relaying the data, you have compiled to all organizations within your counties, you will have formed a network to assist you in reaching more Veterans.
6. Remember the Post Relief fund is for aiding Veterans in need. Donate (through VFW Department) to Homeless Veteran Programs.
7. Other ways of getting this information out is through your local Radio, Televisions, Cables, Marquee's, Churches, and Library's, Newspapers, District and Post News Letters, and all Bulletin Boards. The more information you get to the public, is a better chance of helping relay the information to our Homeless Veterans.
8. Remember to report your activity both to the Department Program Director and on your Post Activity Report.
9. Education and training are keys to breaking the homeless cycle. Encourage your legislators to provide for homeless veterans beyond a roof over their heads.
10. In order to earn your All-State points you must accomplish the following.
Employment/Homeless Veterans
We would like to ensure that all Veterans are treated with courtesy and respect by our organization.
It is up to you comrades to make their life worth living again. Thank you for your efforts to make this happen.